VHS KID is Warsaw-based, multi-disciplinary creative studio founded by Arkadiusz Stanikowski.

For 15+ years we’ve been creating innovative and engaging  experiences with carefully selected and crafted forms of visual communication. For big and small, online and offline.

We are very passionate about our work and feel very close to our projects. That’s why we give them a lot of dedication and engagement. We are committed from research and initial concepts to detail oriented execution.

Every project is a story that is waiting to be told. The more thoughtful, consistent and holistic narrative the better.

branding, UI / UX, mobile apps, web design, logo design, animation, packaging, labels,

illustration, character design, creative & art direction, web development,

brand consulting, naming, strategy, copywriting, storytelling

1 + 15 =

Our work process is based on pragmatic, and conceptual imperative.

Inquiry, research and analysis are crucial to deeply understand needs, expectations, goals and context. With that approach we can develop strategy and principles necessary to obtain the best outcome of our creative process.

With clearly defined objectives, searching for the best creative / technical ideas and solutions will be the most accurate and effective. This happens when the ideal synergy of form and function is found.

Let us make Your narrative!

We speak Polish and English.